This site is currently under construction, please be patient. for those of you that know about this webpage you may log onto the chat by going here.

Great news! The storry line for deciding the sides is complete, there is still some detail work to be done and make it "purdyfull!" yes purdyfull

Welcome to the Sworn Angels Rpg webpage. I'm working quickly to create a back ground story for the rpg to be based on, I strongly suggest before begining to RP that you read through the background so you can create your characters accordingly. Rules will also soon be posted about the chat room and so on. Hopefully in the near future you will also be seeing forums up on the website, but that will strongly depend on how things go. This web page may also move, just a heads up.
Massive live RP is not for everyone, it is at times very difficult, please try to be patient with each other. Also, this live chat is not a "i posted first so i win" sort of chat. it is an action reaction chat. This means, one person posts then gives others a chance to respond.

Thank you for your patience, this site will be up and running soon.

To begin reading the story, before it is complete, Please click here